Cloudsdial-HRMS Software

HRMS Software

Human Resource Management (HR) systems are common in small businesses. However, due to financial constraints, these organizations often outsource HR functions to individuals or teams. Tracking employee hours and salaries is a challenge for small businesses, as they lack the necessary resources for managing such operations. The adoption of HR software can significantly reduce the operational cost and time involved in these processes.

Assess your organization's requirements when choosing an HR software solution. Conduct a feasibility study to identify inefficient manual processes, then evaluate the volume of data required for informed decision-making. With an effective HR software, you'll manage your workforce more efficiently.

Features of HRMS Software

Team Leader
Schedule and track meetings, tasks, milestones and events for you or other team members.
Work with clients, partners and your team. With the option to keep things private, you control what the client (and team members) can see.
Manage all contacts from one place, get a clear overview, and build better relationships.
Our visual sales pipeline prompts you to take action, remain organized and stay in control of the complex sales process.
Reports & Dashboard
Gain instant visibility and insights you need to make informed decisions in real time. Spot issues before things go off-track.
Recruitment & Hiring
Easily customize your sales pipeline, filters, contacts, and deals to suit any type of sales process.
Time Tracking
Keep track of hours worked, and improve your team's productivity and your bottom line.
Work anywhere, anytime
Our mobile apps let you access your deals, tasks, projects, and contacts even when you're on the road.
Finance Management
This includes activities such as documenting billing information, analyzing tax reports, monitoring candidates on our company's payroll, and processing invoices.
SME Management
It can help small businesses develop a more inclusive workplace culture, resulting in greater job satisfaction, higher productivity, lower turnover, improved employee morale, and improved innovation.
Marketing is an umbrella term for all activities an organization undergoes to attract, motivate, and retain the best talents.
Production Management
Our mobile apps let you access your deals, tasks, projects, and contacts even when you're on the road.

Reports & Dashboard

Gain instant visibility and insights you need to make informed decisions in real time. Spot issues before things go off-track.


Marketing is a broad term that encompasses all the activities an organization engages in to attract, inspire, and retain top talent.


Easily customize your sales pipeline, filters, contacts, and deals to suit any type of sales process.


Our visual sales pipeline prompts you to take action, remain organized, and control the complex sales process.

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