Cloudsdial-Mail Server

Mail Server

A mail server is the computerized equivalent of your friendly neighborhood mailman.

Email Server

The postal server's a computerized counterpart to your friendly neighborhood mailman. An e-mail server is a service that handles and delivers messages over the network, usually via the Internet, sometimes also referred to as an email server. The client's emails may be received by a mail server and delivered via their computers to another mail server. e-mail can be delivered to clients' computers by a mail server. SMTP is an Internet standard for the transmission of electronic mail and fax. It was originally defined in 1982 by RFC 821 and was last updated in 2008 when SMTP was extended to RFC 5321, which is now widely used. A mail server is the computerized equivalent of your friendly neighborhood mailman. Every email that is sent passes through a series of mail servers along with its way to its intended recipient. Although a message may appear to be coming instantly from one computer to another in the blink of an eye, it is actually made up of several transfer operations that happen over time. You can only send messages to people whose email domains match yours, i.e. from one account to another account, without this set of mail servers.

What Is an Email Server? Let’s Analyze the Definition

An email server, also called a mail server, is essentially a computer system that sends and receives emails. When you send an email, it goes through a series of servers to reach its final destination. While this process is lightning fast and efficient (thanks, technology!), there is a significant amount of complexity behind sending and receiving emails. Email communication involves complex protocols and processes. Usually, the email server is a computer or machine that has a complete system with different applications or services. Based on the type of action they perform, email servers can be categorized into incoming and outgoing email servers. In the early days of the internet, during the Web1 phase, email senders had to rely on their own servers. This led to the most widely-known email platforms that operate on private servers. The shift increased the accessibility of email, but reduced its security (think how many data breaches Google, Yahoo, and others have suffered). Today, anyone can still host their own server to effectively dodge any concerns related to security and privacy on big email providers. And Axigen was designed to help everyone to do just that.

How Does An Email Server Work?

For a computer system to function as a mail server, it must have mail server software installed. This software then allows the system administrator to manage and create email accounts for any of the domains hosted on the server.
Alongside that, you have protocols. Protocols are networking-software rules that allow computers to connect to networks everywhere so you may shop online, send emails, and browse the internet freely. These protocols are a vital component of your networking activity.

What Is the Purpose of an Email Server?

At its simplest, a mail server collects and distributes emails to their intended destination. You can think of it as a computer that acts as an electronic post office for email, which allows you to control the transfer of emails within a network through different protocols. A mail server can also encrypt the transfer of emails, so nobody can gain access to the information in your personal email inbox. Today’s mailboxes can include a treasure-trove of sensitive information from social media details to financial data that hackers are eager to sell. So it’s more important than ever to secure your emails. To do just that, some email servers and server software can also provide additional security features to guard against cybersecurity attacks. Whether you’re checking your emails from your phone, at work, on the web, or by using a software solution, your email is handled by both incoming and outgoing email servers. Without this well-oiled machine of protocols and server software, you wouldn’t receive all of your important messages or time-sensitive emails. Additionally, problems with your incoming mail server may present challenges for your emails coming in on time or at all.

Types Of Email Server


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)  is the industry-standard protocol for sending emails. SMTP server is an application that’s primary purpose is to send, receive and/or relay email messages from an email client to a receiving mail server.

When you send an email using SMTP, the server processes your email and further decides which server the message should be sent to. Then, it relays the message to that server.


This is an Email type that most users are familiar with. It is an email service that enables users to access and use electronic mail using a standard web browser.

 There are many free email hosting providers that host their servers as webmails.

 Webmail lets users have access to their mail while they're on the go because it gives them a way of checking messages wherever they are accessing the Internet.


POP3 is short for Post Office Protocol. The number ‘3’ stands for ‘version 3’.

 POP3 works by downloading an email to a single computer and then deleting it from the server, in order to make room for other incoming messages. It's like downloading an email message to your computer, and reading it while you're out of the office.

 It's basically a way of downloading an email message to the computer and reading it while you're not at work.

However, messages are only accessible from the same device they were downloaded to – can’t be accessed from multiple locations.


 IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol, which is an HTTP standard protocol that email clients use to retrieve messages. It is often used by business email accounts.

Email messages are stored on mail servers. Whenever users check their email, the email client contacts the server to connect the users with their messages.

 Before you can transfer email data to the device, IMAP offers users a chance to browse, edit and organize their information on the server. Without the need to download or store messages, they are automatically read directly from the server by IMAP. Therefore, you can check emails from several different devices.

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