Office Automation

Cloudsdial is a cutting-edge company that provides automation office software. Their software is designed to streamline the work process for businesses of all sizes. Not only does their software make your life easier, but it also helps to save you time and money.

Cloudsdial's software is easy to use and requires minimal setup time. You can immediately start automating your routine tasks with their intuitive interface. Plus, their software is constantly evolving to meet the needs of today's businesses.
If you're looking for a company that can help you take your business to the next level, then look no further than Cloudsdial.

Features of Office Automation

Manage Sales
Our visual sales pipeline prompts you to take action, remain organized, and stay in control of the complex sales process.
Customize your CRM
Easily customize your sales pipeline, filters, contacts, and deals to suit any type of sales process.
Time Tracking
Keep track of hours worked, and improve your team's productivity and your bottom line.
Work anywhere, anytime
Our mobile apps let you access your deals, tasks, projects, and contacts even when you're on the road.
Team Calender
Schedule and track meetings, tasks, milestones, and events for you or other team members.
Work with clients, partners, and your team. With the option to keep things private, you control what the client (and team members) can see.
Contact Management
Manage all contacts from one place, get a clear overview, and build better relationships.
Reports & Dashboard
Gain instant visibility and insights you need to make informed decisions in real time. Spot issues before things go off-track.


Another great feature is its task management capabilities. You can easily manage multiple tasks by dragging and dropping items into the appropriate slots. You can also set deadlines and prioritize tasks according to importance. This ensures that your work is completed on time while staying organized

Sales Reports

Our visual sales pipeline prompts you to take action, remain organized, and stay in control of the complex sales process.


AOS Runner helps to structure employee data in a structured way, manage pay structures, and payroll information, and generate pay slips, etc. 


Recruitment is a core function of the Human Resources department. When hiring employees, there are several steps involved. These include identifying potential candidates, attracting them to the position, screening their qualifications, shortlisting the most suitable candidates, conducting interviews, making a selection, hiring the chosen candidate, and finally onboarding them into the company. The size of the recruitment team depends on the organization’s size, and it can range from small to large.

Company Details

1. The profile setting in office automation is used to identify the user’s qualifications for a specific task.
2. It also allows you to customize the system according to the user’s preference and work style.
3. A customized profile setting also gives you an accurate idea of the user’s performance on certain tasks.
4. This information can be used in automated processes or by human workers for efficient administration.

Benefits of Automation Office Software

It helps you organize and manage your workflows in an automated manner.
It ensures that your office remains efficient and organized, making it easier for you to focus on your work.
It comes with a wide range of features that are perfect for anyone who wants to improve their productivity.
Customized products and services
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